
Scandal 25 March 2024 catch up

Tibi was really heartbroken after he was dumped by his girlfriend , Nqobile. He was really hurt and he could not even focus on his school work. His performance at school declined and his teacher has been worried . Tibi’s teacher sent Mary to ask him about the decline in his performance.

Tibi’s friend advised him to write a letter , where he will write down everything that he feels about Nqobile but he should not give it to her. Tibi wrote a letter and he put down everything that was in his mind but he could not just write and keep it to himself.  He then go and gave it to Nqobile. Unfortunately Nqobile took that letter to her friends and they started making fun of him. Tibi so them laughing at his letter and he was hurt worse.

Nqobile lied to her sister that she is going to spend some time with Tibi and yet she wanted to go out with her friends on a pre Easter bash. She and her friends then went out for partying. They went to buy some shisha and they were denied because of their age. Nqobile then went to Motshabi and asked her to buy them shisha as she is over 18 years. She then agreed and she did not even think that it will backfire her later.

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Motshabi bought them some shisha and she did not know that it had some drugs on it. Nqobile and her friends went and smoked and had a lot of fun. Just when Nqobile was asleep she started to feel dizzy and unconsciousness. Her sister Phakhamile found her later in the morning and rushed her to the hospital but she was already in a coma.

Phakhamile then told Mbuso that Nqobile said that she was going to spend some time with Tibi and they suspected that Tibi drugged her. Mbuso then went to Tibi and started beating him accusing him of drugging his sister.

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