
EFF Leader Julius Malema Covers Shebeshxt’s Medical Bills

In a heartfelt gesture of support, Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema has paid for the medical bills of South African artist Shebeshxt following a devastating car acc!dent. The tragic incident, which claimed the life of Shebeshxt’s 9-year-old daughter, left the musician in need of urgent medical attention.

The Accident

Shebeshxt was involved in a severe road acc!dent while on his way to a gig, marking his second such incident this year. The crash resulted in critical injuries for Shebeshxt and the tragic loss of his young daughter, plunging the artist into a period of immense grief and physical recovery.

Malema’s Generous Contribution

Upon learning about the acc!dent, Julius Malema stepped in to assist with Shebeshxt’s medical expenses, paying R30,000. This act of kindness was aimed at ensuring Shebeshxt received the necessary medical care to aid his recovery.

Community and Public Reaction

The public has widely praised Malema’s gesture, seeing it as a compassionate response in a time of great need. Fans and followers of both Malema and Shebeshxt have expressed their gratitude on social media, commending Malema for his willingness to help.

Shebeshxt’s Road to Recovery

Currently, Shebeshxt is under medical care. Despite the tragic loss and his own injuries, the support from prominent figures like Malema provides a beacon of hope and encouragement during his recovery.


Julius Malema’s decision to cover Shebeshxt’s medical bills highlights the importance of community support and solidarity in times of tragedy. As Shebeshxt begins his journey towards healing, both physically and emotionally, the kindness shown by Malema serves as a reminder of the power of compassion and generosity.

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