Isitha The Enemy

Isitha the enemy 1 April 2024 catch up

Today on isitha , Nomcebo clapped his son who is a Chief of Eswatini, Mbuso when he disrespected her while having a conversation.  She reminded him that even though he is a chief now she is still his mother.

Khaya and Nandni decided to go out to a place far away from Esihlahleni so that they can get some fresh air and renew thier vows. When they were leaving, Nandi and Solomzi looked at each other in a way which was showing that they are both hurt with what was going on.

Nolitha then visited Solomzi and asked him to work with her so that Nolitha gets Khaya back to her while Solomzi get back witn Nandi because he loves her a lot. On the other hand Chuma asked Solomzi to buy a goat and give him R100 0000 for what he did to Khaya but Nomsa said no, he should not do that because Khaya did not do that when he made love with Nolitha.

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Amahle woke up early and wanted to make breakfast in bed for Mbuso but he also woke up early. She was ready to give all herself to him but he seems very busy everytime.  Amahle is trying her best now to show Mbuso how much she loves him but it seems Mbuso is just playing games or mybe he is just busy. Nomcebo called Amahle and they had a conversation as she was asking her so many questions. She told Amahle that zhe will not be the first wife and she did not tell her the real reason but Nomcebo was just lying so that Amahle can go back to Esihlahleni where she comes from.

Nomcebo even mocked her that she came all the way from living in a shack and come straight to the royal house. Mbuso came while they were having a conversation and he asked his mother what she was doing with Amahle and she lied to him that she is just having a daughter and mother in law conversation.

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