Isitha The Enemy

Nandi cheated Khaya with Solomzi

Khaya has been treating Nandi so badly and she decided to chest him with Solomzi in a way of trying to find love and attention. Solomzi is Solly’s son who is also Khaya’s brother from another mother.

When Solly d*ed , his son Solomzi was brought to the Sokhulu family. When he came to Esihlahleni he met with Nandi and he was so in love with her. He approached her but she told him that she is married.  It did not end there as they later met at the Sokhulu house and introductions were done , Solly was told that Nandi is Khaya’s wife and Nandi was told that Solomzi was Khaya’s brother.

They kept seeing each other and Solly was visiting Nandi at her place more often since Khaya could not see by then. They started having feelings for each other and started to be intimate.  Nolitha caught them red handed and she told Khaya about it. He then told her to go and do more investigations about those two. Fortunately Khaya’s eye sight came back and when he was just in his house he caught Solomzi and Nandi in a very compromising position but he acted like he did not see them.

He then fixed the cameras in his house so that he will have proof to show everyone about what those two are doing in his absence.  Khaya told Nandi that he was going out for a week for some fresh air and Nandi told Solomzi that Khaya was going out. Just when Khaya left the house , Solomzi came and they started being intimate as Khaya watching them on the cameras. He then called his mother Nomsa to run to his place so that she can get them red handed in the act.

Nomsa was really disappointed in both Solomzi and Nandi as she trusted them both so well.

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